We’re super fans of magnesium, and here’s why:

We carry magnesium supplements at our Canna Relief storefront! Visit us in Streetsville (Mississauga) for more details
- Magnesium may help you sleep better. According to Psychology Today writer Michael J. Breus, PhD, “insomnia is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency. People with low magnesium often experience restless sleep, waking frequently during the night.” With that, magnesium supplements may help improve your sleep quality, as it’s also known to help alleviate restless leg syndrome.
- Magnesium may calm down fibromyalgia symptoms. Magnesium could help relieve muscle pain in fibromyalgia patients, as it’s been suggested that fibromyalgia is linked to a magnesium deficiency. As reported in EveryDay Health, Korean researchers in 2011 studied samples of hair from 166 women; 44 of those women had fibromyalgia. “The hair from the fibromyalgia group contained significantly lower amounts of magnesium than that of the healthy women…,” wrote EveryDay Health.
- Magnesium lowers blood pressure. Consider a magnesium supplement if the doctor’s orders are to lower your blood pressure. As reported in Psychology Today, “Magnesium is an effective blood-pressure reducer in healthy adults with high blood pressure, and in adults who have hypertension and diabetes.”
If you’re interested in magnesium supplements, please contact your doctor prior to use.
Do you have anymore questions about magnesium or anxiety/pain relief? Visit us in Streetsville (Mississauga, Ontario) for more information today.