Are you interested in growing your own cannabis for medical purposes? Under the Canadian ACMPR regulations, patients over 19 can be authorized to grow between 25 and 450 cannabis plants to use for medicinal purposes.
The only roadblock is that you need a physician who is familiar and agreeable to assist you with the Health Canada process.
At Canna Relief, we believe in growing your own medicine and we can connect you with a physician. There are fees for the license of between $170-$775 per year. Almost any medical conditions will qualify you for this authorization including:
Anixety, arthritis, cancer, crohns and colitis, depression, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, insomnia, migraines, multiple sclerosis, nausea, osteoarthritis, pain conditions, parkinsons, sciatica. The only conditions that may disqualify you from a grow license is schizophrenia or if you have a serious unresolved addiction to hard drugs.
If you would like us to assist you with obtaining the license, please pay the administration fee below by Visa, Visa Debit, or E transfer. You will then be connected with a reputable clinic service who will arrange an appointment with a physician, and assist you to easily submit the required documents to Health Canada to start your medical grow.