Check out these stress-busting products at our Streetsville storefront!
Stressed out?
Between family obligations, work, commuting and with the holidays just around the corner, you’re probably overwhelmed with a hectic to-do list. Because of this stress, maybe you can’t sleep. Or maybe you’re feeling anxious or sadder than usual. If you need a natural way to alleviate stress, check out these items at Canna Relief:
Hemp Candle by Hemp Crate ($14.99): Burn these candles to reap the benefits of calming essential oils that promote sleep and reduce anxiety. Candles are available in lavender and eucalyptus lemon and contain soy wax, hemp oil, hemp wick, beeswax, candle dye and essential oils.
Swiss Naturals Magnesium Oxide 420mg ($14.99): According to Healthline, research has shown that magnesium supplements may help reduce stress. “[Magnesium] is believed to affect a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which helps regulate the pituitary and adrenal glands. These glands are responsible for your response to stress,” explains Healthline. With that said, try this supplement once a day or as directed by your healthcare provider.
Nature’s Bounty Melantonin Gummies ($12.99): If you’re losing sleep because you’re worried about upcoming events, let melantonin come to the rescue! We love these melantonin gummies because they improve your total sleep time while resetting your sleep-wake cycle. Each gummy contains 2.5 mg of melantonin; take 2 before bedtime.
Jamieson Energy Spray B12 ($24.99): Is stress making you feel sleepy? Then keep this spray in your purse or desk for a quick energy boost. According to Psychology Today, vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause numerous effects, including panic and anxiety. Jamieson Energy Spray contains 500 mcg of vitamin B12; take 1-2 sprays per day.
For more recommendations on how to tackle stress, anxiety and get more sleep, click here to contact us today.