Nourish your skin this fall and winter with hemp seed oil! Ask us how by calling 905-286-4420.
If you’re already getting dry, cracked skin from the cooler weather, you’re not the only one!
When it comes to soothing dry skin, our educators are super fans of the Canna Relief Hemp Body Lotion thanks to its main ingredient: hemp seed oil!
This season, we highly recommend nourishing your skin with hemp seed oil for these reasons:
- It has antibacterial properties.
- It hydrates skin without clogging pores, which makes it suitable for acne-prone skin.
- Might lessen wrinkles and fine lines by reducing oxidative stress.
- Naturally contains essential fatty acids, which could help with strengthening the skin barrier.
- Promotes soft, supple skin and cell turnover, making it an excellent addition to your skin care regime.
Our Canna Relief Hemp Body Lotion is available in store and through our online shop. For a limited time only, click here to order your lotion for $9.99!