Did you know that CBD contains antioxidant properties? Contact us to discover how CBD may work for you!
At Canna Relief, we connect people with access to a medical cannabis prescription. This is because cannabis can naturally help reduce pain, mood, poor sleep quality, and more. So here are some intriguing facts to know if you’re interested in CBD or cannabis for your wellness:
- According to a review from the journal Nutrients, “Numerous studies have shown that CBD possesses analgesic, neuroprotective, anticonvulsant, antiemetic, spasmolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties.” Due to these characteristics, the authors conclude that cannabinoids have a promising future for treating various conditions. “Cannabinoids exhibit interesting therapeutic potential as antiemetics, appetite stimulants in debilitating diseases (cancer and AIDS), analgesics, and anti-inflammatory remedies in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, Tourette’s syndrome, epilepsy, and glaucoma.”
- CBD could help with lessening anxiety. In a study from Brazil, men were administered CBD or a placebo; 90 minutes later, they experienced a public speaking simulation. Participants who took CBD were shown to have less anxiety compared to those who took the placebo.
- Further research is necessary, but studies have shown that CBD and cannabis could help with reducing nausea and pain from cancer treatments. In particular, taking multiple cannabinoids at once, such as CBD and THC in one extract, could offer additional benefits. One study analyzed pain in cancer patients who were given a THC/CBD extract. Patients given the extract experienced less pain compared to patients who were only given a THC extract.
Are you interested in a cannabis prescription for your health? We can introduce you to this through a simple process. Click here to learn more or call 905-286-4420 for more information.
Kopustinskiene DM, Masteikova R, Lazauskas R, Bernatoniene J. Cannabis sativa L. Bioactive Compounds and Their Protective Role in Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Antioxidants. 2022; 11(4):660. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11040660
Linares IM, Zuardi AW, Pereira LC, Queiroz RH, Mechoulam R, Guimarães FS, Crippa JA. Cannabidiol presents an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve in a simulated public speaking test. Braz J Psychiatry. 2019 Jan-Feb;41(1):9-14. doi: 10.1590/1516-4446-2017-0015. Epub 2018 Oct 11. PMID: 30328956; PMCID: PMC6781714.