For many, this is the season for catching up with loved ones, enjoying great food and hearty partying. So if you’ve had a little too much bubbly to drink, can cannabidiol (CBD) relieve your hangover?
Well, quite possibly!
Although there isn’t formal research on “curing” hangovers with CBD, CBD may help alleviate the discomforts that come with hangovers. Here’s how:

Got a raging headache from a hangover? Try CBD!
- CBD may calm down headaches. Cannabidiol has been studied on its effect on headaches, in particular, migraines. According to Lift&Co Magazine, University of Colorado researchers have reported that CBD was shown in a study to reduce “the monthly frequency of migraines from 10.4 to 4.6 for study participants, with 40% reporting positive effects.” However, Lift&Co stresses that more research needs to be conducted in terms of particular strains, doses and delivery methods.
- Cannabidiol may relieve nausea and vomiting. In fact, CBD is known to activate the CB1 receptors in your endocannabinoid system, which encourage the body to regulate vomiting and nausea. What’s also worth noting is that Earl Mindell, author of Healing with Hemp CBD Oil, has verified that research “has proven [CBD] to be an effective antiemetic (anti-nausea/vomiting) treatment with fewer side effects than many drugs.”
You can consume CBD as a sublingual oil, edibles and capsules. You can also vape cannabis that is high in CBD. So if you know you’re going to party hard, maybe keep some CBD in your medicine cabinet. (And besides, it’s a great first-aid for inflammation and pain!)
DON’T FORGET: Replenish your body with vitamins! CBD may help relieve some hangover side effects, but it’s also necessary to refuel on natural vitamins. As TIME magazine has pointed out, “Because alcohol is a diuretic, you lose a lot of vitamins and nutrients during a night on the town.” If you want to fight off your hangover, try a B Complex supplement, which includes a variety of B vitamins, and a vitamin C supplement or powdered drink.
To learn more about how CBD and natural health can contribute to your well-being, click here to read our other blog posts.
Healing with Hemp CBD Oil by Earl Mindell, RPH, MH, PhD, Square One Publishers, 2018.