If you get too high, take CBD!
What does it mean when you “green out”? This is what happens when you’ve had too much THC. You may feel “too high” when your heart is racing like mad, while facing an over-the-top amount of anxiety, confusion, delusions or hallucinations and sometimes nausea. This is why it’s important to start at a low dose of THC when you begin consuming cannabis.
If you happen to have too much THC while smoking, vaping or consuming an edible, here’s what you should do:
- Stay hydrated: Next to psychoactivity, THC tends to cause cotton mouth (also known as dry mouth), so drink plenty of water! If you have a friend with you, have them keep refilling your water bottle or glass to make sure you stay hydrated.
- Take CBD: Keep CBD oil or edibles on hand in case you end up greening out! According to the licensed producer Aurora Cannabis, “CBD blocks the THC receptors in your brain, which can be useful should you consume too much of the cannabinoid.” Take note: CBD oil will work faster when dropped under the tongue compared to an edible; an edible will take a few hours to pass through the digestive system.
- Go to sleep: Taking a nap is a good way to sleep off your high. Lower the lights, lie down, and try to stay away from excessive stimulation. Can’t sleep? Aurora Cannabis has a great suggestion: “If you’re too anxious to sleep, try lying down and listening to some relaxing music (in fact, that might be just what you need to doze off.)”
- Take a whiff of pepper: As suggested in Cannabis for Dummies, “sniff some black pepper, but don’t snort it. You can crack a couple of peppercorns with your molars, roll the pieces in your mouth, and then spit them out.” This makes perfect sense as black pepper contains terpenes, which have the same impact as CBD.
- Keep calm: It’s easier said than done, but remember this uncomfortable state of mind is only temporary. Know that you cannot overdose on cannabis! Make sure to take deep breaths. Keep reminding yourself that this will pass in a few hours; you should feel normal within a day.
To learn more about cannabis, CBD and the different types of strains, click here to read more.
Kim Ronkin Casey with Joe Kraynak, Cannabis for Dummies, John Wiley & Sons, 2019.
“Four ways to avoid the ER because you got too high,” The Growth Op, viewed on October 7, 2019.
“8 ways to counteract a too-intense cannabis high,” Leafly, viewed on October 7, 2019.
“What to do if you green out,” Aurora, viewed on October 7, 2019.