Need some tools for growing cannabis? Visit us in Streetsville for your grow needs!
In a previous post, we discussed how watering cannabis takes some TLC – this includes being mindful not to overwater and ensuring that conditions are moderate.
So what else should you know about growing cannabis for the first time? We have a few more tips to consider:
- Add stakes to your plants early on. “It is best to stake or support plants before the roots spread in order to minimize any possibility of root damage. Whether you employ netting, stakes, or another method, it is best to place supports before the plants begin to flower,” confirms Cannabis Business Times.
- If you’re growing more than one plant, make sure there’s airflow between them. Spacing them apart can prevent mildew while encouraging the distribution of oxygen. You can also use circulation fans to provide air between each plant.
- According to Leafly, “Similar to overwatering, beginning growers also have the tendency to give plants too many nutrients. A common misconception is that more nutrients equals bigger plants, so just keep adding more and more!” If you’re thinking about adding nutrients just in case, guess again. If you add too much too soon, this could lead to a nutrient deficiency. Or a nutrient lockout could happen, which is when a cannabis plant isn’t capable of absorbing additional nutrients.
- Observe your plants carefully as they grow larger. Here’s an example: if you’re pruning leaves, take off any dead/yellow-colored leaves, remove weak branches and check any buds for mold.
- Leafly has another good tip for growing cannabis: “Inspect under fan leaves, as that’s where some bugs live—such as spider mites—and check where the stalk comes out of the soil, as some bugs live there too—in particular, root aphids.”
Keep in mind that safety matters when you grow at home. Make sure plants are locked away from children and pets, and that you grow according to the laws in your region.
If you have questions about CBD or THC, or how to start growing at home, contact us in Streetsville! Educators are always in-store. Call 905-286-4420 to speak to an educator today.