Wondering how to use CBD? Call us for help at 905-286-4420.
Our Canna Relief educators are thrilled to teach the public how to use CBD. CBD is known for helping relieve anxiety, pain, depression and such; but it’s important to understand how NOT to consume it!
Here’s our official “NOT” list of things you shouldn’t do with CBD:
- Do NOT take it on an empty stomach.
- If you’re new to CBD, don’t take excessive amounts on your first try. We tell our customers to “start low and go slow“, which can help you find the right dose. This might include trying low-dosed products first, using a small amount of oil (i.e. 0.25 mL instead of 1.0 mL) or cutting gummies in halves or quarters.
- Do NOT use CBD alongside other drugs or alcohol.
- Are you taking prescription medications? Consult your doctor or pharmacist beforehand to see if there are interactions between CBD and your medications.
- Do NOT take CBD if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, as there’s limited studies on this particular topic.
- Only consume CBD if you’re over the age of 19. There is little research on CBD’s impact on children and teenagers.
- Do NOT take CBD if you’re attempting to get high. This is because CBD does not have the ability to get you high due to it being a sedating, calming substance.
- If you own any form of CBD at home but haven’t used it in a few years, toss it. Over time, CBD products, including oils, can go rancid.
If you have any questions about CBD, we speak cannabis! At Canna Relief, there is always an educator in store waiting to answer your questions. Click here to find our storefront in Mississauga.