CBD could add a new element to the bedroom! Ask us about our sexual health products today.
You already know that CBD can help with alleviating pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Now did you know that it can impact libido, too?
Here’s how CBD works for sex: your endocannabinoid system contains receptors, and CBD can stimulate these receptors to instigate reactions, such as calmness. Over a decade ago, scientists discovered that these receptors are related to sexual reproductive health. More research is necessary, though it’s deemed that CBD can reduce sexual-performance related anxiety, which might improve libido.
So how else can CBD improve your sex life? Here are a few ways:
- CBD might prevent or relieve pain during sex: Sometimes a lack of lubrication can make sex painful. There currently isn’t research linking CBD to lubrication, but topical CBD has been shown to help sore joints. In turn, scientists postulate that CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects might encourage enjoyable lovemaking.
- Has the potential to address erectile dysfunction: According to Healthline, anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD could have a role in reducing erectile dysfunction. “One theory is that CBD could help relax the blood vessels and promote blood flow. Better blood flow to the penis can relieve ED and promote longer-lasting sex,” explains Healthline.
There are many ways to incorporate CBD into the bedroom; for example, you can try CBD massage oil during foreplay or a CBD lubricant for stimulation. You can also consume a sublingual oil or eat edibles an hour or two before sex. However, do make sure to rule out any underlying conditions, such as hormonal changes, diabetes or high blood pressure, so please see your doctor for libido-related concerns.
To learn more about CBD and cannabis for your wellness, please contact our educators for advice! Click here to send us a message.
Tubaro, Aurelia & Giangaspero, Anna & Sosa, Silvio & Roberto, Negri & Grassi, Gianpaolo & Casano, Salvatore & Appendino, Giovanni. (2010). Comparative topical anti-inflammatory activity of cannabinoids and cannabivarins. Fitoterapia. 81. 816-9. 10.1016/j.fitote.2010.04.009.