If you want reliable facts about CBD, please contact our educators in Streetsville!
You’ve read loads of information about cannabis and CBD. But are they true? Let’s look at some common ideas about cannabis and CBD to determine if they’re true or false.
TRUE OR FALSE: CBD can ONLY be consumed in oil form.
CBD can be consumed as a sublingual oil, however, CBD may also be consumed as a beverage, snack/treat (i.e. candies), and capsules. The difference between oils and edibles is that when oils are placed under the tongue, they absorb into the bloodstream quickly. Edibles are effective, too; they take a few hours to kick in though due to digestion. You can also smoke or vape CBD through dried flower; effects usually kick in shortly after inhalation. To learn more about edibles, click here.
TRUE OR FALSE: You cannot take CBD if you’re suffering from a hangover.
False! In fact, CBD is excellent to consume post-partying, especially when you’re suffering from nausea. Because CBD impacts the endocannabinoid system by activating receptors, CBD may actually help the body regulate any vomiting and nausea. To learn more about alleviating hangovers with CBD, click here.
TRUE OR FALSE: CBD will make you too anxious.
False! In fact, it’s recommended that you take CBD when you’re “greening out”, which is when you feel too sick from consuming excessive amounts of THC. There’s a chance that THC could heighten your anxiety, which is why we recommend taking CBD to alleviate anxious symptoms, such as racing thoughts. To learn more about the conditions that cannabis and CBD may treat, click here.
If you have more questions about cannabis or CBD, click here to contact us.