There are natural ways to boost your immune system. Visit us in Streetsville for your supplements!
We can all agree that immunity support should be considered year-round. With that, here are some natural tips that may help strengthen the immune system naturally.
- Take vitamin C and vitamin D supplements. According to the journal Nutrients, “Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.” Meanwhile, vitamin D has a role in modulating the immune system; studies have shown that vitamin D deficiencies tend to be linked to a higher susceptibility to infections, confirms the Journal of Investigative Medicine.
- Take an apple cider vinegar supplement. In a test tube study, it was shown that apple cider vinegar was able to squash bacteria related to staph infections; these bacteria included Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. (At Canna Relief, we carry apple cider vinegar gummies! Click here to learn more about apple cider vinegar.)
- Take oil of oregano. Oil of oregano supplements are bursting with antioxidants that fight free radicals. According to Healthline, “Oregano also has 42 times the antioxidant level of apples and four times that of blueberries, gram per gram. This is thought to be mostly due to its rosmarinic acid content.”
- Eat more leafy greens: Sorry, but mom was right – we should be eating our vegetables! “It turns out that green vegetables — from bok choy to broccoli — are the source of a chemical signal that is important to a fully functioning immune system,” explains the journal Cell. “They do this by ensuring that immune cells in the gut and the skin known as intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs) function properly.”
- Get good-quality sleep! Sleep is necessary for a strong immune system. When your body lacks sleep, you have less antibodies and cells for fighting infections during the day. Optimal sleep for adults is 7-8 hours per night; if you are having trouble sleeping, consider a melatonin supplement to reset your sleep-wake cycle.
REMINDER: If you’re feeling sick, consult with your doctor or local health hotline. Also, please refer to your municipality for local hygiene practices, and continue to practice social distancing and hand- and surface-washing.
Click here to see what we carry at Canna Relief for boosting your immune system or call us at 905-286-4420 for recommendations.